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Birthplace: 1943 in Ängelholm
Profession: Now retired
Interest: Esoterics
Everything in nature
Childen and grandchildren


I grew up in a beautiful place in the northwestern landscape of Skåne, Sweden. There started the interest of nature that has followed throughout my life.

As a child I came into contact with the so called Biblical history, by a very dear older relative. I could leaf through colorful books, as these stories started my imagination and opened my sense for what's outside of the ordinary life.

Many thoughts on how life works and everything fits together came to me. A fascination over the stars and eternity.

Recently I have come into contact with esoteric litterature which has given me answers to some of the questions I had, and also given me new ones.

From very early on I have had dreams with clear symbols. I got help to interpret them, and have ever since seen my dreams as exciting information from my subconscious, and as I believe from the cosmos.

As a grown up, I've had awake dreams in a relaxed state, with clear messages and advice in life.

I've been visited by lightbeings who have given guiding in times of crisis. The guidance have been in form of strong warnings or by showing paths to walk in life. If I have followed these, new possibilities have then opened up.

From my thirties I have often ended up in the paralyzing state, and at a few occations I've got a shorter obe.

The last 12-15 years I have recieved advice in life through automatic writing, often pointing at the importance to see behind illusions and what's actually real. These messages supply a strong feeling that reality lies beyond what we can see.

I often recieve series of pictures with different themes, quickly passing by. This mostly takes place in a relaxed state just before I go to sleep.


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