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Water = Emotions

Dream: I am on a beach and jump into the water. I get wet allover.

If I get strongly emotionally affected, often in a negative way, by feeling sorrow, worrying etc, the dreams of the night often show that I end up in the water. One way or another I get wet. The following day usually brings a feeling of discomfort in my stomach area, related to solar plexus.

The ocean = The emotional

Dream: I'm in the water close to the beach. Far out into the sea I can see huge waves coming in. I try to reach the shore, but there is no time. I'm stuck in the middle of the waves and get pulled further and further out into the sea.

The ocean pops up now and then. My view is that it reflects the emotional society we live in and how I handle these energies.


Dream: I'm in a basement. The floor is dirty. I take a broom and start sweeping. Nothing dissapears, so I use scouring agent and work hard. Slowly but surely it dissapears.

I enter a new house. Everything is in perfect condition.

The house or the apartment reflects the energy system. Different floors shows different chakras. The dirt indicates how the chakra looks. The floor shows which chakra it is. Colours in the house point to the correct chakra. 


Dream 1: I discover ticks attached to my skin. They are difficult to remove.

Dream 2: I'm standing by a lake, fishing. Get big, black fish that I put in a bucket.

Vermin indicates dirt in the energy system. If I manage to remove it, that means I'm cleansing.

Bleeding from different parts of the body

Dream: I'm in a room in front of a mirror. From a visible wound in my head I can see blood pouring out.

When much energy has been applied it is shown in this way. Physically one can feel a soreness at that place.


Dream: I meet a friend who uses a key to open a locked door. I pass through the door.

This indicates that the person has knowledge that's useful for me.


Dream: I'm sitting in a restaurant eating a large portion of food.

Food is energy, indicating one gets energy from the guides. There is a flow between the guide and the person. The better food, the higher matter flows to you.


Dream: I'm outside a house, seeing a storm passing. There are strong lightnings. I flee into the house for cover.

Something will be done in the energy system, and I get extra sensitive for other peoples energies. It's easier if I can stay at home.

Climb in mountains

Dream1: I climb a mountain and approach the top.

Dream2: I fall down from the top of a mountain.

Dream 1 indicates that the energy flow is rising towards the chrown chakra. In dream 2 the energy descend to the lower.


Dream: I see a white unicorn standing by my side.

The unicorn represents accentuated purposefullness.

Ride on horses

Deam: I meet a horse that I ride. After a while the horse turns into a man with whom I talk.

The horse is a helper who gives energy.

Give birth

Dream: I'm pregnant and give birth to a child.

Something new comes into my life.


Dream: I carry a large watch. Feeling stressed.

The watch shows there is little time.


Dream: I sit in a classroom full of students. A teacher delivers a test. I can't answer a single question.

The examination shows how one handles the energies in the system. If one passes the given tests.

Practicing ballgames

Dream: I play basketball and troughs every ball in the basket.

If I play good it indicates that the energy flow works properly. I can handle the energies that are brought in.

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