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My symbols usually come to me in dreams, or when meditating. In both cases symbols are the normal way of recieving information, but plain language can also be used (or images with written texts). It is my impression that plain language is used when concidered necessary.

Some symbols I have learned to understand by comparing to other peoples experiencies, and even, in the beginning, by reading Carl Jung. But most I have learned myself, by comparing to my life situation over and over again. Especially how it feels in energy channels and chakras. Once the symbols are understood they prove completely logical, taken into context.

The symbols are practically always directed toward myself, guiding in my spiritual development. Very rarely I get information about others, but it has happened.

Since the symbols normally come in a larger context, they need to be seen into it to be understood. I give a short presentation of some symbols, and then show how they can be put into context. 

  • The house – Myself, my energy system.
  • The road – My life path.
  • The car, motorbike etc. – My mean to get forward in my development.
  • The cat – An energy at the left side of the stomach, at the spleen chakra.
  • Thunder, tornadoes – Warning about external forces I need to be careful with.
  • Water - Emotional energy.
  • Mountains– The higher, higher energy.
  • Aeroplanes – My transport up to higher levels.
  • The spiral staircase – The spiral formed energychannel in the spine.
  • Spiders, ticks etc. – Negative effect of energies that needs to be removed.
  • Fire - Mental energy, sometimes consuming and can destroy, but most often positive.
  • Enemy soldiers, war – The battle within between so called solar pitris and lunar pitris.
  • Colours – Symbolizes different chakras.
  • Crocodiles, lizards, snakes – The lower levels representing the lower chakras, base- sacral chakra. The snake can also represent the kundalini force.
  • Food – The energy I recieve, my spiritual "food".
  • Music – Sometimes I hear certain music. The message is in the text or in the original purpose of the music.
  • Lamps – Represents the status of a chakra. No light, the chakra is closed.
  • Keys –Solutions. If i recieve a key I get the solution to a problem.

Here are some examples on how the symbols can be put into context.

Dream: I'm holding my cat, giving it a light kiss on the mouth. It tells me it's sick, maybe dying.

I wake up from my dream with great discomfort in my spleen chakra. After staying as mentally stable I possibly can for one day, it slowly gets better again.

Dream: I drive a car from my grandparents house in the country, towards the town. I have to stop at one place, some kind of passing. "What have you learned?" someone asks. I answer something about humility. I'm allowed to pass but suddenly find myself three kilometers back again. Here are dinosaurs, but they don't seem dangerous. Someone tells me they are afraid of mans fires. Finally I pass a slower car and reach an open space, where I should have been some time ago.

I would suggest that this dream points at my general life situation, where I slowly learn my lessons and strive forward. Everything isn't going perfect and sometimes I have to start again a bit back. The struggle against my lower part is in fact going better, and nowdays I can feel how the mental energies have gotten stronger in my system. Here is also a reminder that I'm behind scedule in my present incarnation.

Dream: I'm walking up a spiral staircase. At the top I go a full circle but return to the same spot again. After three revolutions i realize I can't get any higher, and look for another way up.

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Dream: An artist has died. I see a lot of people crying, but not the Beatles. They stay quiet and focused.

I would interpret this as a recommendation to meet setbacks wise and focused, not "cry over spilled milk" as I have previously had a tendency to do.

Dream: I go by elevator down to level 3, where a working colleague is renovating. He is almost finished, painting the last parts, the doors are well oiled and perfect. Now I'm going back to level 7, I believe the staircase is closed. Walk a spiral staircase down to my apartment. Here it's full of dust from the work, the flat must be cleaned as soon as the work is done.

Here the energy system is showed, where the 3:rd chakra, solar plexus, is being "renovated". I'm also showed that there is some problem connecting to the 7:th, the chrown chakra. I also need to be "cleaned" when the work on solar plexus is finished.

Dream: I'm in the Alps going hiking. There are clouds on the peaks today, I'll probably start with a lower one. Feeling very lonely. A team is waiting for me but I go for a walk on my own first. I have a backpack. A woman pours liquid nitrogen in my backpack.

My interpretation is that I shouldn't try too hard to raise my energy level, and overall "stay cool".

Dream: I get tricked by some others, pushed over a cliff in my car. I manage to get out of the car and hang by the car window. Then I make my way into a djungel, try to stay safe from dangerous animals. Finally I reach a place where a woman will take me away in her volkswagen. She is injured in her back, and says she became that way by king Ludvig. Someone pours soil in the car so she will drive better.

Here I can see the battle between lunar- and solar pitris in my system, and the importance not to give the lower parts any slack. There is also a reminder that must be seen in the perpective of a previous incarnation in France, in the time of Ludvig XIV, where I got into big trouble. This has created damage to my female part, still disturbing my development. Must stay grounded, for this damage to be healed. A reminder of the far going consequencies caused by human evil.

Dream: I see an aeroplane, know that it's my plane. It's being renovated, the whole lower surface of the wing is gone. New material will be placed there and it will be solid again.

As I wake up from this dream I can feel a strong unbalance in my lower chakras. It feels like an open "hole" at the spleen chakra. It takes until the next night, when I start feeling somewhat stable again. Since I know what is going on I stay calm, don't panic.

Dream: I see a white, magnificent unicorn walking by my side.

This comes to me after a long time of "striving", to keep my emotional energies under control, and the mental energies has gotten considerably stronger. I recieve this symbol with humble gratitude, and see it as a sign that my striving brings result.

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