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 Towards higher consciousness

What's happening? Why can't I move? Why can't I speak?

I hardly get the time to ask one question until the next one takes over. At the same time I can feel a paralyzing sensation entering my body. I go more and more numb, until all physical feeling is gone. A pressing sensation now enters my head with a growing intensity. A fear comes, and I fight to awaken my body. The pressing sensation explodes, and a streaming energy washes over me in a wavelike movement. A few minutes later everything is back to normal. I can move and I open my eyes. Look around, nobody's there. Was this a dream? No, I quickly conclude I was fully awake. My head is sore and my body has a confused feeling. After this afternoon my life changed.

This type of experience repeated itself regularly. After a while I learned it wasn't dangerous. A curiosity to find out what it was lead me to some meetings with different clairvoyants. They all looked at me with questions in their eyes, and I realized this wasn't a normal experience. I simply had to learn myself. 

Out of the body

When I started letting go of my fear, the experiences developed and I sometimes left my body. I remember the first time as if it was yesterday. It took place one night, when I was brought into the paralyzing state. I allowed myself to relax. The whole energy body was vibrating with a tremendous force, and I could feel it charging like a battery. Suddenly I separated from the physical body and hovered until I stood next to the physical. I could see myself lying in bed, but my consciousness wasn't there, it was in my energy body. I curiously moved towards the mirror in my apartment. I could see the contours of a person. The body was shining in a blue, bright colour. I left the apartment by flying through the door. At a high speed I flew through Jönköping. Suddenly I was back in my physical body. I opened my eyes, overexcited with what I had just been through. It was an incredible feeling to be out of the body and still fully awake.

I often asked myself what it was that made me enter this strange state, and being able to leave the body. Was it something I did myself?

During a couple of years I regularly woke up, feeling my body go numb and energies streaming through me. The result often was an obe (out of body experience). Being a curious person, I started experimenting. Was it possible to move faster than flying from A to B? I discovered that by picturing a place, my energy body got cought by a huge force. The transport was through a tunnel. I got there in a moment. The tunnel was made of light, shining in all colours. My energy body became one with the light. The feeling may resemble a trip through a vacuum cleaner.

When I'm out on a trip I'm almost always in contact with my physical. What I experience as physical outside, I can feel in my physical body in some way. Anyhow it is affected. The consciousness moves from the energy body to the physical. Sometimes it's difficult to know where you are. After a while the consciousness leaves the physical and gets fully established in the energy body. Also, the mental- and emotional body can leave at the same time. Then the consciousness can jump between all three, and different experiencies are recieved. One on the mental plane and another one on emotional plane. In that case I have to keep up, to know where I am. This can probably be controlled, but I haven't learned it yet.

Naturally I tried to induce the paralyzing state by meditation. I tried to leave my body consciously. I never suceeded with that. Eventually I realized that these trips were something that was given to me, nothing you should do at anytime. I managed to induce the vibrating stage and even start up the energy flow through my body. Pretty soon I started reflecting about what I was doing. As I felt inside, an inner voice told me I should not do that. It did more harm than good. It should be left to my higher self and my guides. After this insight I stopped trying. Even during my obe:s I stopped testing. I simply was. A spectator you might say.

Processing with the energy system

After a few years my nightly experiencies changed in character. There were no obe:s, but I was brought into the paralyzing state, and from there I could feel the energies from the visitors who came to work with me. They didn't speak but would gladly demonstrate the sounds from the tools they used. One of them is the "drill". I could hear the sound of it. At the central chakrapoints I could feel vibrations, very strong vibrations. The focus was to clean up my energy system. To be able to recieve higher matter/vibration you need a well balanced and cleansed energy system. This is a process that takes a long time. The unbalance comes from previous incarnations as well as the present one.

Here’s one example of an experience from 2007-10-16

I wake up, feeling a presence by my side. It sits down beside me, puts its hand on me and I get very warm. I’m lying on my stomach so it’s the back that gets warm. The person or what it is, changes position and gets above me. I can’t feel it physically so I guess it’s hovering above me. A narrow beam is being sent straight into my base chakra. To begin with only a heat spreads in my chakra, but after a while it gets terribly painful. I don’t know why, but now I’m being moved again. I end up in a room, in a bed, lying in the same way as I did in my “real” bed and the beam is once again streaming into my base chakra. I can’t move. I tell myself that I have to make it somehow. I try to see the necessity for the blockages to resolve. The intensity from the beam increases. The pain gets indescribable. I feel myself almost fainting and then the intensity decreases. I get a little slack. Nobody talks to me and nobody gives any answers as the beam once again is sent into my base chakra. I try not to panic, but it’s close now. I really try to focus away from the pain. I have no choice since I cannot move. As the pain once again gets indescribable, I can see inner images pass by. Pictures from my childhood. I meet things I have suppressed. Unfortunately I panic, not being able to handle the pain. Then I’m once again moved back!

The processing of the system can be felt physically in different ways.  Most of the time it’s very demanding, maybe because the dirt is deep and stuck. The experience I described here is one of the first of this character. Gradually I’ve learned to handle it. To have trust in myself and those working with me is important. To know that they will never pass the limit. You can manage it. This is a help you should gratefully accept, not throw away with your fear.


Gradually I also started to feel the energies in daytime. In the beginning it was weak, hardly noticeable. It felt like someone was carefully scratching the middle of my head. Little by little it got stronger. The most intensive days I stay home with migraine and feverish condition. The difference from ordinary migraine is that I can feel a beam placed in my head, and energy streaming through the whole body. The temperature changes, between extremely hot and cold. I can share my energy by putting my hand on someone, who then feels the energy transmission, the heat. The physical gets affected, depending on where the energy works. When the beam is in solar plexus the stomach/intestine system is affected. If it’s placed in the heart chakra it results in irregular heartbeat. Passing trough the throat chakra can induce a diffuse sore throat. The mental energy, sharply felt in the crown chakra, affects the nervous system and also joints in the body. In other words, it can be quite intense when the beams enter different chakras at the same time.

I get very sensitive and can’t stay close to other people. Energies from others easily gets in, affecting the system. Walks in the woods are beneficial. The grounding energy is crucial to keep a balance. I often lean towards a tree to recieve its energy. Another way can be to take a bath. When the energy flow is as strongest, it’s important not to focus on it, just letting it be. The energy processing  can take place at any time, day or night. Those working with me don’t concider what I do in my workday. The responsible are just focused on when to send different beams.

To keep the system in balance, it also requires emotional balance. Too large changes in mood affects me instantly. At rare occasions, when I got really angry, I could feel the spleen- and solar plexus chakra badly hurt a few hours later. A cutting pain is felt in the physical, that can stay for days until balance is achieved once again. The right frequency is needed, where calm and harmony appear. Then a steady flow is maintained.

The more active the energy system is, the more you need a good protection around you, not to take in energies from others. By visualisation, I build energy mantles.

New meetings

Naturally I have always been fascinated by extraterrestrials and their existence. I Never imagined that I would one day stand eye to eye with one.

One night in 2008 I woke up by being sucked out of the physical body with a tremendous speed. I lost consciousness, but woke up after a while in a bunk in a dark room. I quickly noted that the walls and floor wasn’t built by the same material that I was used to. I knew I was in a ship. I got out of the room and entered a larger room. There were panels with technical equipment, blinking buttons etc. As I felt a presence I turned around, and suddenly a small humanoid stood in front of me. It was shorter than me, around 160cm tall. It had a dark green body and large almond shaped eyes. I reacted a little because I felt it looked right trough me. It noted my presence but didn'd seem to care much. Without moving I got transported to a room. I sat down. The floor and the walls were dark and it was difficult to see.

Suddenly the room was lit up by letters, who began dancing around me like a laser show. The letters or symbols were extraterrestrial, but nothing I could understand. I was fascinated by how the different formations soared in large numbers around me and I couldn't figure out from where they were projected. They were simply there, in the air. I looked up towards the roof and could see through it, a larger ship was passing by above. A beam of light was directed towards me and I got into it. Everything got black and I ended up in my physical body. Didn't sleep any more that night.

After various experiencies I started to see the nights as more thrilling than the days. Every time I went to bed I hoped to be a part of something new. I just wanted to get out of the body. Get away from everyday life with its greyish rutines. I felt more alive outside of my body that in it. Should it be like that? It became an inner conflict where I felt increadibly uncomfortable on earth. I just wanted to get away from it. Felt more at home in the extraterrestrial enviroments. I travelled to nonphysical planets. I saw fantastic enviroments with different natural experiencies and architectures. I began reflecting over why I was put on earth. It could hardle be to dream away during the days. Of course I had a mission on earth and I'm now focused on that. A help has been trying to live here and now, even if it's difficult.

Experience from 2008

I'm in a ship, walking in a long corridor. Along the corridor there are closed doors. I open one and see people lying on bunks. They look sick and are connected to different types of equipment. It seems like they are getting help. I close the door again and continue. Open a new one and enter a small room. I see 3 bunks and there are 3 people there. I come closer and see their faces. They look like me, all of them!

I get scared and quickly get away from there, waking up in my body.


I go to sleep for the night, but wake up by practically a bang in my head, the same feeling as when i was 15 years old. That energytype is so strong, can't awaken myself from it. The body goes numb immediately. I hardly have time to react, gets pulled out of the body, and practically sucked straigt up in the air, out into space. Not even my consciousness has the time, or I'm conscious in my body for a short while as well, because I get some time to think in it. After that I'm soon back in my energy body.

I'm now in a room and I just know it's a ship, and I know what to expect. It's dark in the room, or my vision is poor, I don't know. I try to mentally get prepared to meet a being who will probably beam me. There is hardly time to think clearly, someone is moving in the room. I see a tall figure, with tall neck, black eyes. He is talking to me but I have dificulties to understand. I get scared but at the same time I know he means well. He moves increadibly fast. From being e few meters away he suddenly stands by my side. He shows me where to lie down, a type of chair where you recline. I place myself there, with the thought that I should be grateful they are helping me.

Now everything goes black and I can't see. A beam is placed in the base chakra and I can feel a weak rotation. For a short moment I get my vision back and see the being place two fingers at my forehead, one each side of the ajna center. Now I'm not sure what happens. I can feel my head almost exploding, what an energy! Try to get loose, but I can't even move a finger. I scream like crazy, they must have wondered! I really thought this was my last moment!

I had aches in my body for about a week, worst in my stomach. After this type of experience I have full respect for the chakra system and its force. Thinking about those who tamper with energies to experience this and that. They have no idea what forces there are involved.

Over time the experiencies changed further. To enter the "state" my energy bodies didn't have to vibrate any more. I only feel a weak buzzing in my neck and then I'm there. This state seem to be very versatile and you can experience anything in it. There doesn't seem to be any limitations, except your own level of develpoment to be able to recieve, of course. What I have experienced except from obe:s, jurneys to ships and other planets is that information can be given by scenes, reminding of lucid dreams but even sharpen than them. Here the information comes from the mental planes. Most often it's the unbalancies being showed by different symbols and difficult rebus puzzles. They are hard to understand but maybe there is a purpose with that. By focusing and trying to understand you find yourself.

Because this is all about development, a jurney towards higher consciousness. Once the door has been opened you never want to close it. The urge within brings you forward and you can never concider anything else, but to continue climbing the ladder.


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