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Proof of the out of body experince?

An out of body experience is a very strange, but at the same time very privat experience. The feeling of total awakeness during an obe can shake a person fundamentally, and basically change ones whole attitude towards life.

At the same time, as a critically analyzing person, one has to ask the question: is this real, or could unconscious parts of us play a trick, creating this strange experience, so real that it fooles us totally?

I asked myself this question after getting my first out of body experiencies in 1989. The sensation of separating from the body fully awake, gliding out into the bedroom, able to observe everything that happened was so strong though, that it was hard to be unpartially critical to the whole thing.

It seems to be a spiritual law, that we first have to realize something on our own, before we get confirmation "from above". Any way that was the case with my obe:s. Not until I had fully accepted them as real, did I get the proof that they actually were.

There are a number of research laboratories around the world, who have been trying to prove the out of body experience. Because of the uncertain and subjective character of the phenomenon, (you might for example not be able to produce an obe when you want it, and if you succeed you might not end up at the place you planned to) the experiments did not always succeed. Anyway there are a number of institutions who have made some really good results, one example is "The Monroe Institute" in West Virginia, USA.

Naturally my own experiencies can´t be used as proof in a strict sense, they are private and haven´t been performed under any scientific control. However I´m not interested in that. The experiencies have given me indisputable proof that what I am doing is for real, despite my often very critical attitude towards them. For me it´s now only a matter of trying to understand. I still can´t say exactly what is happening, but without any doubt we get information from other places than where the physical body is, during an obe. Concidering that we feel the movement and transportation during the obe, I draw the conclusion that we really are transported to another place.

Very well, here comes a number of obe:s, collected from my diary.

Kallinge 1990-08-06 at 08.30
obe nr. 46

Lying awake, thinking about going up, when I notice I can sway the astral body back and forward just by closing my eyes and relaxing. I open and close my eyes several times, and every time they close I can almost immediately start swaying.

After increasing the amplitude of the swayings I finally reach the end of the bed. Here I get completely loose, and fall smoothly to the floor. I walk straight through the closed bedroom door and continue to the kitchen, where my parents are. The vision is a little bit dark, but otherwise ok.

I can see my mom to the left (at her usual place) and she seems to be doing something with the bread. I can see a dish with sliced bread to her right, on the table. To the right of that I can se dad (at his place). In front of him there is something looking like small white pieces lying on the table. He is sitting playing with them, and I ask him what he is doing.

"Cleaning my lower back." (Impossible translation from Swedish, the words go like mushrooms in this langauage). I don´t understand the answer. Are the small white pieces mushrooms? They could be.

End of the obe, and I get up from bed. In the kitchen I find mom and dad sitting at their places, the sliced bread on the table as I saw it. My dad has just finished his breakfast egg, and in front of him on the table are little pieces of the eggshell.

My dad has no memory of us talking. It takes several years before I start realizing that the words I heard actually were ment for me. The end of my back, where the lower chakras are, really needed "cleaning up", before they could start opening up for real. This process goes on for several years without me understanding what is happening. It´s when I get dreams explaining that my base chakra is now ready, and at the same time also get a strong heat at the lower back, where the base chakra is, that I really start understanding the words I heard many years earlier.

Kallinge 1990-12-30 at 09.00
obe nr. 61

Notice I can start swaying as soon as I close my eyes. Maybe a minute later I separate completely from the physical body, and glide through the window. Some limited vision appears. Continue gliding over the lawn, feeling the grass with my hands. Fly a little higher, over the hedge to the neighbours garden. Suddenly I get crystal clear vision, full of colors of a seemingly "unreal" kind. The picture is so sharp I could count evey straw on the lawn, which by the way seems to be cut a little to hard. I can also see that the hedge is uneven, at one part higher and with a small slope at one place. End of obe.

After the obe I walk out into the garden. I came to my parents house late in the evening the day before, and had no idea how the garden looked at the back of the house. Oh yes, everything I had seen during my obe was absolutely correct.

Jönköping 1991-08-06 at 08.00
obe nr. 75

Lying and dozing in bed. My wife is in the bathroom. Notice I can sway my astral body a little back and forward. If I press with my feet i can press my head through the wall at the headend of the bed. After experimenting with this for a few minutes I get loose completely, and find myself sitting by the bedside.

I rise and walk away, trying to get better vision at the same time. I get some, but the field of vision is limited. Entering the hall, continuing towards the bathroom. The door is closed, but I pass through it to my wife, who I notice has no clothes on. I put my arms around her, feeling her bare skin as usual. But she doesn´t react to my presence in any way, instead she opens the door and starts walking into the hall. As i have my arms around her I follow, all the time eagerly trying to communicate with her. End of obe, and I´m back in my bed.

The next moment I turn my head just too see my then wife coming into the bedroom from the hall, without her clothes. As many times before I can feel some itch in my legs afterwards.

Jönköping 1991-12-07 at 06.25
obe nr. 84

Coming awake, discovering I can sway my astral body back and forward. Sometimes I wake up too much and get stuck in my physical. Relaxes, and immediately get loose again.

After a while I let go completely of the physical body, and sit up. Find myself somewhere else now, seems to have left the physical world completely. Start walking over a floor, at the same time as I try to get some vision, and I see the floor. A few meters away, leaning out of a window I can see my wife. She is standing with her back towards me, but I immediately know it´s her. I approach her, putting my arm around her. She turns to me, looking me in the eyes. She lookes sad. "You dont have to come to me" she says, and I draw back a little confused. End of obe.

As I the next morning tell my then wife that I had met her during the night she answers: "Yes, but I didn´t want you to come to me at that time." She tells me she had a dream, where she stood by a window and saw her old friends from Moscow walking outside. (she comes from Moscow). She longed for them, missing her old life there. At that moment I came to her, but she did not want me to disturb her right then.

This experience gives a perspective to the concept of dreams. The meeting with my wife that I experienced during my obe, she experienced in a dream. That makes me convinced that we, at least in some dreams, actually have left our bodies and are at some astral plane, where we also can meet.


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