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Strange experiences

A meeting with a powerful and unpleasant character
(the first meeting of two)

Actually I don’t feel very comfortable telling this. I choose to do so anyway because I consider this experience so very important. This happened somewhere between the year 2001 and 2003. It seems like the reason to following experience was that I, during my adult life as well as now, have been busy with my personal development, and hopefully I will continue doing so.

I woke up nighttime in my bed with an unpleasant feeling. I could feel that I had a visit by someone, but it wasn’t a pleasant character. I received an notion of a man in a suit, quite slim and elegant in his best years. He had his background in a world where he succeeded to build up some kind of empire. He lived there in a kind of gigantic castle- or palace like building. He had many servants under him, different characters and creatures in some kind of hierarchy, and he had power over them all with the different kind of powers he mastered. This was evidently a very dangerous character, a magician, who with different kind of powers ruled over others, enslaved them. He had an attractive exterior, sophisticated and good looking, while the people beneath him had many different kind of appearances depending on which level they had in his empire. From looking as humans, to what we could call beasts.

The creature gave me a message through telepathy that felt threatening. The message concerned a proposal to a collaboration and an agreement. He informed me that I had begun trespassing on his domains and that I should watch out. I would get many benefits if I accepted the agreement. I made the announcement that I wasn’t interested in his agreement and that I wanted him to leave me alone. He had nothing to do with my development and I would keep on developing no matter what he could come up with. (On the whole I have as a principle to never make doubtful agreements with anyone, especially not with unpleasant figures, who presents threats or promises of benefits).

During many years of practice I’ve learned a technique to send out (visualize) light and love. I use it to, if it’s required, deal with what I meet and defend myself. Therefore I did send out light over this creature, hoping to see a positive change, or to see him disappear (The so called evil shun the light of love whereas benevolence welcomes it). However the light seemed not to affect him at all. He seemed strong, full of energy and had obviously evolved different kinds of techniques to protect himself. I had accordingly not enough of strength to put up with. The only way for me to get rid of him was to temporary promise to leave him and his empire alone. (But I had done nothing!) First then he left me.

The next following days it seemed like this creature wouldn’t leave me alone. Somehow he was inside of me, deep down. I transmitted light but nothing helped. Then I tried to find other ways to get rid of him. At last I tried to feel the emotions in his heart and started to send light in to it. Then I succeeded. There was the spot where he was vulnerable and I could feel his sorrow. He escaped back.

After sending out light into his heart I was left alone for a while. But he did a further try. See below.

Taken out of my body and a meeting with three unpleasant characters (second meeting of two)

I received this experience several months after the first meeting with the unpleasant character with the empire. I assume and think that it is the same character that stands behind the following.

I was in my bed, feeling how an energy started to beam into my body.
Soon I noticed that the energy somehow fetched my energy-body and took it away. (I guess it was the ether-body/emotional-body). The moment after I was present in some kind of a large castle- or palace hall in which I was flying around, not able to control myself. The external environment was beautiful with marble, adornment, statues and furniture. Still it felt unpleasant, like I was trapped in someway. Inside of me I had the feeling of outrage, like someone took me here by force.

After a short while, three elegant gentlemen dressed in suits entered through a door and sat down at a large table. They came to see me and I felt telepathly that their reason was to negotiate with me to get an agreement. These men felt unpleasant and I had no interest in getting any kind of agreement with them. My purpose was to make this process short and to not stay one second more than necessary. I pointed my finger towards them and said: ”You are fools who think you can put yourselves up against God.”

I don’t know where I got these words from or why I chose them. They just slipped out of me. Besides I didn’t announce them in a telepathically way. I pronounced the words pure ”physical” using the mouth of my energy body. It was with a great difficulty I managed to speak. I couldn’t get my mouth to work in a proper way or make a sufficient strong sound. The words shrunk to a hissing sound and my mouth felt halfway paralyzed. But just to pronounce the words in a physical way seemed to have a strength that weakened those three men. When the words were pronounced the men transformed in front of me and became to ghastly and grotesque creatures. They seemed to totally loose control over themselves and over the situation. This interrupted the experience and I woke up in my bed.

A landscape (one world or several in one?)

This part is very difficult to describe. I choose to make an attempt to give a description. I can establish that the laws of nature as we know them in our physical reality aren’t the same in those realities you experience outside your physical body. Ordinary physical laws of nature seem to be able to exist, but they can still stop to exist and be replaced by different laws. It seems like certain forces are higher and can override lower forces. In this or these worlds I’ll describe, it seems like I by myself can activate certain functions or laws of nature through my bare presence or awareness, but there’s also something else that rules, something greater which I have influence over. I have no idea what this is.

This part is so difficult to describe that I ask the reader to understand that the following is hard to describe. It is impossible to, with a language designed for a three-dimensional reality, to describe a reality with many more dimensions and functions. One thing I’ve been able to accomplish is that changes in my focus and my awareness in these worlds directly can affect the reality I have outside of me. I accordingly control a part of my reality by myself, but far from all of it. I don’t know why I can affect some things but not other; neither what it is that I have an effect on, or what kind of greater powers I can’t affect. Here below is a try to make a description of a landscape I’ve got inside of me, some kind of a memory of a world I’ve visited many times. It works both as a world but also as many worlds in one, and I experience them both near and dear. They are a part of me. The four compass directions actually don’t exist in these worlds but I do have a sense of a course now when I’m trying to describe this world, or worlds.

A central place in this world is a kind of pyramid building that lies outside a ledge in a rock face. The facade seems to consist of thousands of windows. My view of this experience is that this building is some kind of communication center between different worlds. Inside the building lots of different kind of creatures work with maintaining communication, work so everything keeps going at proper levels. When I feel deep inside myself and ”think” about this building, I get an awesome, almost unbelievable feeling. However, I’ve never (as much as I know) been able to enter this building and view it from the inside.

In what I recall as northwest of the pyramid building, lies a large building I understand it is some kind of treatment - or rehabilitation - centre. When you transport yourself from the pyramid building you also transport yourself to a different world with an entire different atmosphere. Here, the atmosphere is heavy, often quite inconvenient and sometimes really filled with anguish. If you are not focused in the right way when you move across the building, then you could get lost in there. It’s a challenge to stay in this building and it demands focused awareness. It seems like the building is a place for lost souls to rehabilitate in. It seems like the purpose is for them to get back on track again.

Even further northwest, out in a kind of periphery of the landscape, lays a town. What distinguish this town from others we are used to in our physical world is that is full of escalators and moving pavement. There are less motor vehicles than we’re used to, but more varied. You can see everything from old horse cabs to hovercrafts and small flying saucers. The moving pavement seemed to be the predominantly way to move across the town. You stand on an escalator or moving pavement and move to any place you like. Besides there’s a lot of shopping, stores and pleasures, but I don’t have any special experience of seeing residents. Questions I ask myself are: Where do you live, or do you live here? Maybe this town is a place you go to for pleasure, and you live somewhere else. The town gives a positive feeling of happiness.


Southeast of the pyramid building there’s another town that seems to be almost identical to the town that lay at the northwest side. Because of this identical town experience I ask the question: Is the other town the same town as the first one, but that the town in presence lays in two geographical different kinds of places, or are the identical towns really different places who only seem to be identical? I have no answer to this question. Here the laws of nature seem to sometime be unintelligible for our physical understanding.

On the west side of the pyramid building, almost southwest, lays a landscape of mountains. South of it there’s a forest. From a distance, the forest looks like a young spruce forest, and not that large in area, but when you enter it, it can start to grow. Walking around this forest is like taking a walk in a special world and in a special atmosphere. You need to be in the right mood otherwise you could get lost. The area of the forest can grow so much that you wouldn’t find the way out, not until you change from the inside. In this forest it seems like you can create your own experience: beauty or fear. This forest seems to be a place that directly answer to you’re own feelings and reflect to what you pick out from yourself. Could this be some kind of test place where you get tested to see how far you can go?

Directly to the north of the forest is, as told, a landscape of mountains. When you stand and look on it from the outside it looks to be very limited and without depth. It’s as you only from the outside can see the ”surface” of the mountains and a little bit into it. The rest is concealed in some kind of mist. Besides, when you start to tread this landscape, a gradual change appears on both your mood and on the atmosphere around you. Somehow you walk in another world and the feeling gets more and more fantastic, wild and adventurous. The experience is quite wonderful. In this territory you can walk as far and as much as you want to. Yet there is, in this path, a large portion of elements of surprise for one who’s used to the normal physics, for example unexpected laws of nature or different kinds of phenomenon’s. I avoid trying to describe them because it’s too difficult.

The pyramid building lays, as told, out on a ledge in a rock face. It faces northeast. I haven’t experienced what’s on the north side. Sometimes I think I’ve seen a large space there, filled with stars and planets; sometimes I think I’ve seen a gigantic valley that reaches out far down the ledge. But what’s really on the northeast side, I’m not sure of.

As far as you can reach out in these worlds southern periphery lays a great sea that reminds of the Mediterranean. I can sea land south of the sea. But in my memory I can’t reach there. I don’t even know if I’ve been down there. The distance to it, from the centre of these worlds seems to be very long, many miles, but also very short, like I could reach out my hand and directly touch it. The experience of the distance seems to depend on my focus. My own pure ”physical” size seems to depend on my focus.

The world, or these worlds, seems to be united in some kind of road system and I have memories of me traveling upon these roads. The roads appear in the same way as many of the other experiences do, in a superficial way. When you step into the road system and travel on the roads you also fade into distances in different ways- You fade into the roads, landscapes and experiences in a participating way. Everything enlarges, realizes or activates and you begin to experience what you fade into.

Another place that seems to be ”hidden” in this world/worlds is a more unpleasant place. Viewed through a geographical perspective I experience it laying quite southeast of the pyramid building but also a little down below, like you have to go downwards to reach there. When you move there it gets dim and gloomy. You step into a world where I experience that someone, or some, got an enslaving power over others. There’s one or many buildings looking like castles or palaces. I experience that the ”humans” or their souls (maybe emotionalbodies/astralbodies) in some kind of way got stuck in this world and that someone or some are using them for their own profit.

I have an experience of me being in this world to help with some kind of liberation. We are a group of people who often travel here to accomplish help. This work is risky and hard and that’s why we’ve became each others support. The most risky is to receive and fight those in power who enslaves. The most difficult is the work of liberation, meaning trying to wake up the ”paralyzed, deceived or hypnotized” souls and take them to a different place. This work demands a clear focus, but also planning and cooperation. To be able to affect others in this way demands a gathering of special abilities which has to do with strength in the mind. I experience this work as some kind of training, but also as something I’ve chosen to do in a higher purpose.

It’s of course with great aversion I’m telling the above because rather don’t wish to ”seem peculiar”. But I actually think that many, in this above, can find it a lot interesting. That’s why I’m telling.

If someone asks me: How can you be sure that you’re not imagining it all, or not having a lively fantasy. I answer: I don’t know. I have experiences, that’s all. Facts, I leave to others to work out.

Need of help in a life crisis

The Summer of 1994 was the worst in my life. In spring I had suffered an unpredictable life crisis. I didn’t know why I felt anxiety. I had nothing to feel bad about. Yet I was deeply unhappy without knowing why. I had many times before in my life had different crises, but then there was always an external visible reason for them. This time I didn’t find any of those reasons. It was like everything in my life was put on the line and I saw through everything that used to have a meaning to me. Now it all felt meaningless. I couldn’t find any reason to live at all, not even with reincarnation as a thought, eternity and development towards more wonderful worlds.

What I didn’t understand, but what I think I understand now, is that the reason to this crisis was some kind of increase in my consciousness. Since I got a lot of sights and experiences under the four months the crisis lasted. Those sights and experiences had some kind of existential character and were about life and eternity. It contained a lot of experiences of contacts with levels (energies of awareness) that simply was too much for me and gave me anxiety. This was too much to understand.

Enough of that. I won’t go in to further details about this crisis, and all these experiences, because the article would be too long about only that, and that’s not the purpose. What I instead want to tell about is what kind of help I got.

At the end of august this year I went away to a hiking tour in the mountains. I had many times before been hiking in the mountains so I was used to it, but this time I was deeply unhappy. I didn’t know if I would return from the mountains this time. I didn’t know if I out there would take my life or what I would do; I just knew that I had to get away, anywhere out there, away from people and civilization. I didn’t feel that I could get more out of life, but I didn’t know what to do instead.

The first night in the tent I received an experience. I got a visit from a marvelous loving being who said to me: ”You don’t have to feel that life is meaningless anymore”. These were the only words which in a telepathic way were sent to me by this being, but it was also like the words manifested a special feeling and purpose. This telepathic message was actually not only words. It was like if the words were carried by a meaningfulness and purpose. Something more than just the words transmitted to me under these few seconds the message lasted. Next morning when I woke up I felt fine. Everything felt pleasant and I viewed life with new eyes. It felt like I was newborn, naked and clean. The feeling can be compared with what you feel when you go up from a lake after a fresh swim, the pureness. But feelings are actually impossible to describe. After this nightly visit I went back toward my new life, again filled with unexplainable meaningfulness of life.

Years have past since this experience but I’ll never forget it, and I have many times been grateful to the one who helped me, even I don’t know who it was. (However, I know that the being felt like a man). The experiences I got from this crisis and this healing made me understand a lot of happiness and unhappiness, meaning and meaningless; what it really is. But it’s complicated to understand, yet actually so simple. It’s about being in contact with what I call the ”life essence or the life energy”. What I really mean with all this demands a whole lot more detailed explanation, but I won’t go any further into it.

Sex and out of body experiences

Well now you got curious. The word sex in a headline always seems to be tempting. But here I won’t go into any details. I just want to tell that I several times had sex in my out of body experiences. And I believe that this is not particularly unusual; it’s more that you don’t talk about it.

Are you able to have sex without your body? The answer is of course I had a body in my out of body experiences, although it wasn’t my physical body. (It lays still in bed). The body I had when I had sex seemed as firm and solid like my physical body, and even very sensitive. Also the women I’ve met had bodies. But what I could establish is that those women I’ve met often have been looking exceptional perfect and arised storms of passionate feelings in me. They’ve also did everything I wished for. But after a while I’ve noticed that it’s some kind of passivity in them, a kind of nonawareness, like they are missing a real life and a will of their own. It’s like you want to shake them and shout: ”Hello! Is anybody there? Wake up!”

I’ve also experienced that there’s a difference in having sex in out of body experiences and sex in dreams. In my case it have been that ”sex in dreams” often gives reactions in the physical body, while sex in "out of body" does not. (But it feels as real as in the physical). Why it’s been like that I leave it to the reader to work out.

I have also learned that I in these experiences, I had much more intense feelings than I usually have in the physical reality in my body. It’s been like the ”emotional chaos” I’ve had inside of me totally got loose and made me willing to really take part of all the pleasure that I could get.

These sex experiences have in a way been heavenly (you are uninhibited and you meet the women in your dreams), but in a way an essential thing have been missing, for instance the personality and soul in those women I’ve met. The question that comes up is: What have I actually met? Have it been real women or soulless ideal creations? If that’s the case, who did create them?


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