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Secured in apparatus

One night about 1992 or 1993 a got a special out of body experience. I then lived in Västerås working as a nursing assistant in a block of service flats. For several days I had felt "low", lacking life energy, almost feeling depressed. This night I experienced how I got brought out of my body by some small beings. They took me away from Earth, out into space with tremendous speed. I was dropped down in a large room with many machines and instruments. In front of me was a gold coloured (or heather-honey coloured) being with black almond shaped eyes and a small thin mouth. The face was oval. It looked like the being on the cover of Whitley Striebers book "Close encounter".

I experienced the being as two sexed. It was neither male nor female but both. It kindly greeted me. Then I got secured in some large and clumsy apparatus. I lied on my back with legs bent in 90 degrees, while the apparatus sent some energy shocks from my feet up into my legs. The shocks could be seen as well as felt. A white light was being pushed out of the apparatus at the feet and "rolling" up my legs for a few seconds. It was quite painful and after three or four shocks I told the being to stop. I woke up in my physical body with my legs shaking violently. The shakings continued for several minutes.

Since this was a painful experience I wondered what kind of beings I had encountered. Were they good or evil? The golden being had seemed friendly, and in fact, after this experience I felt a dramatic difference in my life energy. I was happy, positive and filled with energy. What I believe happened is that I got some kind of help cleaning "dirt" from my energy channels in my legs, probably in my etheric body.

In front of a podium

In May 1994 I attended a course in Värmland. One of the nights, in a condition of the deep relaxation you can feel just before you go to sleep, I started to hear some unusual sound signals. It was a scale of tones with very special frequencies being played, and it cut through my body and soul, but not in an unpleasant way. Describing these sounds is very difficult for me because I have never heard anything like it, before or after. Calling them atonal isnīt enough; they were outside what I would like to call known music. The thing that comes closest, if I should make a comparison with known music, are some tunes by Ralph Lundsten.

I lay there in bed and the tones "cut" so deep into me that I left my body. Soon I was in a large room standing in front of a podium. Behind some kind of tables or alterlike things sat or stood a number of figures whoīs faces and bodies I could not see (or remember). The alterlike "tables" and podium was in front of and to the left of me.

At this time I know some communication took place, but the details of the conversation are missing to me. I do know it was something about the tasks I am supposed to perform in this life, I have a feeling it was very much and I wondered if I could ever make it, or get the time for it. The actual meeting was quite solemn, as if standing in front of some employers, both to give a report and to recieve new information.

The next thing I remember is waking up in bed with the sound signals once more cutting through my body and soul. Slowly the signals faded away.

My understanding is that the signals were some kind of "carriers" or vibrations with which my nonphysical (maybe astral/emotional) body was transported back and forth to the place of the meeting.

One interesting thing is that I have a close friend in Stockholm whoīve had exactly the same experience. We both have a deep spiritual interest and a very special relation.

The "burning" man

This happened when I was only a few years old, but the experience was so strong that the memory remains clear and vivid. I lied in my room and was going to sleep. My parents were in the living room watching tv. Suddenly, from one wall in the room comes a shining figure. It runs, but in slow motion, through the room and the light emanating makes it look as if it is burning. It passes across the room and vanishes into a closet. Everything is over in a matter of seconds.

The experience makes me terrified and I run screaming to my parents, saying I have seen a burning man. He went into the closet. My mother follows me back to my room. I show her the closet telling her the man is in there. She opens, and the closet is empty of course. Then she says the classic words that so many children probably have heard: It was a dream. Go to sleep. We are out there. Knowing it was no dream, it feels terrible not to be believed. I donīt want to be left alone but my mother leaves me. I feel disappointed, and betrayed, by my parents who donīt seem to care.

Horrific experience of voices

This is one of the nastiest experiences Iīve had. I donīt know if it was influenced by suggestion or real. It happened around 10 years of age, maybe earlier. My father had a recorded tape with something he called "spirit voices". It was voices who by chance got recorded on a casett tape a friend of heīs had got during a recording in an attic. The voices sounded creepy, kind of hollow and spooky. Every time I heard them I felt discomfort.

I often thought with fear about these voices and was afraid I would hear something like that. So, one night I thought I heard whispering voices in the dark. I listened and they grew stronger and stronger. Now all sounds from the physical reality disappeared, and it felt like some hole to another reality was opened. The vioces from this reality soon came really close and it was like a group of beings or "spirits" were fighting over a chance to talk or scream in my ears. It was the same kind of hollow, wordless voices I had previously heard on my father’s tapes. Nothing made sense, just a big chaos of noise.

Naturally I got scared by this experience and my survival instinct took over. I screamed to make the voices disappear. The scream awoke my sister in the next room. The voices vanished, but for several years to come I slept with earplugs or with my head under the pillow, sometimes with the lights on.

Being in a happy place

This is one of the most wonderful experiences Iīve had. Unfortunately I donīt remember all details, only the larger part of the feeling of the place and the "people". Nor do I remember when it took place, but I believe it was a night in the late 80:s or early 90:s.

I left my body and travelled at tremendous speed through space. My Universe disappeared and turned into a small dot. Then a new universe opened up that I now was in, but I travelled out of that too. It turned into a small dot while I seemed to grow bigger. I then experienced being in a third Universe, that I travelled out of as I continued growing. Even this Universe turned into a dot and vanished. This jurney into ever larger and more distant Universes continued for a number of times. I donīt know how many, but the feeling was not only to travel in space but also in state and time. Consequently it all finally turned into a feeling of being in a different reality, totally separated from normal time. I could describe it as being millions of years in the future or in the past. (Please notice, that this is an attempt to describe something indescribable. Donīt focus too much on terms as Universe, grow, time, remote and so on. I have no other words to use.)

Finally I ended up in a world of indescribable happiness. I spent a time here that I find hard to get a grip on. It could have been days or several years. All I can say is that I donīt remember details or events. I became friend with a number of figures who I spent much time with, and between us were indescribable emotions. The word love isnīt enough, because we on Earth donīt know what love is. It was as if life itself was filled with happiness here. The very existence seemed to be made of happiness in some way, it seemed to be in the air and you took part of it just by existing.

The world where all this took place is also indescribable since neither our laws of nature or lives are as we know them. My inability to remember details might be because my brain canīt transform to my Earthly consciousness. But maybe I wouldnīt be able to explain anyway. A simile could be thinking about a happy fairytale.

Finally it was time for me to return. As I stood there, ready for my journey back, it felt as the life on Earth I now live existed millions of years ago in a reality long forgotten, and now I was going back there. I looked at the sea of stars in the Universe and got a panic thought: "How will I ever find my way back, I donīt know where Iīm going". But somehow I got help. A point in the sea of stars was taken in bearing and I travelled there. In this point a Universe opened up, once again with billions of stars. A new point was taken in bearing and I travelled into a new Universe and so on. Finally I got to our galaxy, to our solar system, down to Earth, to Sweden, to the city I lived in and to my house, in through the wall to the bed and into my body.

I woke up in my physical reality with a feeling of "Where am I? What strange reality is this? Oh yes, this is where I live (lived a million years ago and now Iīm back). This is a strange world but now Iīm back". It took a while, to really wake up and orientate here. This life stood in a sharp contrast to my journey into existence and I felt happy that there are such magnificent worlds. During only one night I had spent a very long time in this other world. Time is, in other words, not something absolute or linear. There seem to be possibilities to infinite variation of what we call time.

Music experience with memory

This took place around 1980. A friend of mine had recorded a casett tape of a group named "Saga". The record was "Images at twilight". (This was at the time when there were only Lp:s and tapes. The Cd came later). I had never heard this group before. As I listened to the first song I immediately recognized it. But what is this? I had heard it before, and it was a long time ago. I got vague memories and emotions. Where and when had I heard it? I couldnīt remember, no matter how I tried.

The second song I could also clearly recognize. The same feelings and perceptions. The memories seemed ancient. This record must be very old, I thought. But when I looked at the record it was dated 1979. It was recorded one year ago. But why were the songs so familiar? Listening to the second song also gave me a clear memory picture. I saw a figure from the back, walking on a winding path in some kind of shining, colourful landscape. The figure was moving away dancing to the music. I got the feeling that I, then in my memory, just recently had bid farewell to this figure. We had spent some time together and now it was time to move on in life, maybe to new adventures. The feeling in this "memory" could be described as like a fairytale and very happy. Everything was filled with humour, love and playfulness. The landscape also reminded of a fairytale.

This was no ordinary, so called deja vu experience where you recognize what you experience "right now". No, this experience was about that the songs brought back seemingly ancient memories in me.

I have no explanation to this story. It is all a mystery to me. But recently I have increasingly noticed that some music can give me emotional associations to this "fairytale world". Except Saga, it can be music like: Mike Oldfield, Marillion, Chakras Dream, Styx, Yes, Camel. In a humoristic way you can ask yourself from where musicians get there inspiration.

Unpleasant pick up attempt 

This happened the night between 8/5 and 9/5 2007. I woke up being outside of my body. Two beings held me in my arms and flew away with me. We were going somewhere, but it felt unpleasant. I got suspicious toward the beings. Who were they and why did they feel unpleasant? In some way telepathy was the natural mean of communication here and I asked the beings who they were, but they didnīt seem to be interested in contact with me. Instead they looked away as if they tried to avoid my question. But I didnīt give up. I wanted to know who they were. I turned to one of the beings and took my hand to his face (yes, it felt like two male beings) to try and turn his face towards me. But then he tried to bite my fingers in rage. I could see that his ears were a bit sharp. Apart from that he looked almost human. Everything was quite unpleasant and I told the beings: "No, Iīm not going anywhere with you". I got loose of their grip and turned back.

I woke up in my bed and felt a strange vibration go through my head and neck at the same time as I, for a few seconds, was completely paralyzed. The paralyzes went away. Now I was really back into my body. My chrown chakra felt fully open and I saw strange pictures and colours with my third eye. The pictures and colours had vibrations that felt unclean. They felt unpleasant. I could also hear voices, around me and inside my head, unpleasant voices. Even if they sounded soft and smooth they gave me a horrifying feeling. It was as if they were demons. (It is the only simile I can find).

Soon afterwards I could feel a light coming down through my chrown chakra. I experienced the light from within and saw it inside my head. It felt both painful and unpleasant. It was as if I would lose my personal consciousness if I let the light inside of me. Therefore I resisted. I gathered my inner force into the center of my body and began pushing the light away. I didnīt want this light inside of me. Slowly I managed to press the light out and reclaim myself.

I ask myself what this really was. What made me suspicious was the unpleasant colours and voices and, not to forget, the unpleasant beings who first tried to take me with them. By experience I have the understanding that everything is not good "out there". If good forces are there, they first have to prove they are good. If a meeting feels unpleasant I take it as the "black idiots" are there again. 

Naturally I canīt know if Iīm taking my experiences correct, since I donīt have a pure love energy myself. However I want to clarify that when I say unpleasant I donīt mean fearful. I very seldom feel afraid and there is a difference between discomfort and fear. But nuances are of course hard to describe sometimes and itīs impossible to tell whatīs what in all situations. Is the discomfort due to unconscious fear or not?

Peter Lintz 07-05-10
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