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The most important laws of life

Everything in life is bound by law. Just as nature is bound by the natural laws, life has its laws of life. We discover that this really is a fact, when we start getting spiritual experiencies and contact with higher worlds, if not before. The messenges and the help that is given may not follow the laws of society, but they are still bound by law and serves for the best development of the good.

Here is a presentation of some of the most common laws of life, as they are presented in the esoteric litterature.

The first three are for the mind development

The law of freedom:

According to the law of freedom everybody have the right to think, feel, say and do whatever they want, as long as it does not violate everybody elses right to the same freedom. The individual, the self has total freedom, but with inevitable responsebility for the consequences of his actions.

The law of unity :

All life is one unity. That means we all belong to the same consciousness, the cosmic total consciousness. Today man lives separative, which means we tend to exclude those who donīt fit into our conception. This will result in consequences even if man does not understand it.

The law of development:

Even called the law of attraction. Development is higher worlds attraction to lower, that makes the evolution proceed, everything and everybody develops, regardless of how long it takes. 

Man learns the other laws of live during development.

The law of self realization:

This law means that man must achieve all nessecary qualities and abilities in the human world by himself, to make it possible to continue develpment on higher levels.

The self realization presupposes that man has knowlegde about reality, will, confidence and trust. The biggest obstacle for development is mans emotional illusions and mental fictions.

The law of reaping:

The law of karma; It means that man must reap everything he sows by thoughts, words and deeds towards others, good and bad. Good sowing makes good reaping and vice verca. There is both individual and collective reaping.

Normally we reap in different proportions, the more primitive we are the less reaping we get, and the further we are in our development the bigger capacity we have to endure suffering.

The law of destiny:

This law belongs to the law of karma, and decides when and how harvest should be made. The destiny is not predetermined since man has the freedom to decide over his life. But he must himself bear the consequenses of it. So man cannot escape his destiny that he to a great part creates himself.

The law of activation:

The law of activation says that man is plighted to be active in his mind development. This self initiated mind activity means we must ourselves reflect over life, aim our attention towards more noble qualities, develop our abilities, work for the unity - everybodys good.

Edited by Peter Astarci
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