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Introduction, "the essence of esoterics"

Many people who hear about esoterics think itīs too theoretical, too difficult to get into. Several people who have started to read a book by, for example, Bailey, have quickly put it away, since it was considered too incomprehensible.

But maybe they started at the wrong end? Bailey's books really are difficult and hardly suitable for beginners. Besides, if we are going to read esoteric books, it should be done slowly, with great patience and consideration. The system described is extremely complex, and needs time to get a grip on. We shouldnīt give up after only trying for a few days.

One way of approaching esoterics could be to feel the essence, the fundamental thoughts of it. It teaches a relation to life and a relation to the environment. It doesnīt help how much theory we have read if we canīt use this philosophy of life in practical living.

Then what is esoterics? Whatīs the difference between esoterics and the New Age? If we study esoterics as well as New Age for a long time we understand there are no clear borders between them. Some parts of the New Age are more influenced by esoteric ideas than others. Then one way of approaching the subject could be to say what esoterics is not.

There are no promises of fast results here, no courses where we obtain certain "abilities" or become "enlightened" over a weekend. On the contrary, the searcher is advised to avoid such practices, which in some cases can be even dangerous (a fool rushes in where a wise man fears to tread.) Instead we are shown a complex system, with which we can throughout a long period of time, slowly learn more and more. Every step on the development ladder must be conquered, nothing can be excluded. 

We donīt find any "gurus" here, even if we do find some individuals who have walked further on the road than the average searcher. Instead, we are strongly advised against the worship of personalities. The searcher is advised to find his own truth, which he can confirm with his own experience and intuition. In short, if it doesnīt feel right in your heart and your mind, study something else instead of the esoterics and find your way from where you are. We are all unique and at different stages of development. Therefore, each one of us must find our own way from our individual standpoint.


There is no worship of mediums as almost "all knowing" with their contacts from "the other side." Instead, we are advised to use caution with everything that comes from the astral plane (or emotional world), where the majority of mediums get their information. The signals a clairvoyant receives, especially from lower astral levels, can be very unreliable and sometimes completely wrong. Besides, not many mediums know what level they are accessing. The medium can also unconsciously read the wishes of a person, and provide whatever he/she wants to hear. Everybody’s happy.

The esoterics encourages the searcher to develop his intuition instead, the subtle feeling deep within all of us. We are also advised to use common sense, so we can avoid the worst stupidities. Then we must of course also emphasize that there are some very good mediums, who really do help people.

The esoterics is not in any contradiction to science; on the contrary. However, we understand that our known science has only scratched a little of the surface of a large, complex reality. Our reality is bound by natural laws. In the same way there are laws of life that we must learn to follow.

One of these laws is called the law of free will. Generally it means that our way of learning is without restrictions; we can do as we please, even break the laws of life. But if we do, another law of life activates: the law of karma, or cause and effect —in other words: the law of causality.

The life law we call karma is not a punishment we procure for bad behaviour. Instead, every action and every thought a person generates is an energy that causes a reaction. An action can create a positive or a negative energy, and just like every force in the world of physics has its counterforce, every action with its energy, be it in the physical world or higher material worlds, generates a law-bound reaction. Ultimately, everything must be balanced.

So it absolutely does not have to be a question of "an eye for an eye." If we hurt somebody, that somebody need not hurt us back. That would only produce bad karma for him/her instead, so what would be the point? A negative action creates a negative energy bond between the people involved, and that bond must later be resolved. In some way we have to make a penance, to dissolve the negative energy. 

We also need to be careful not to judge other people who are in some kind of trouble and say they have a bad karma. This is to simplify. A person could get in trouble for a number of reasons; maybe she needs a trying experience to understand and later on be able to help others in a similar situation. Maybe it is a very strong soul that has chosen to pay a lot of karma (or dues) in this life, while we are saving ours until later. We simply donīt know. Donīt judge, but help if you can; and if help is requested.

Maybe we shouldnīt ‘chase’ esoteric or spiritual abilities of different kinds? We could always work on bettering our inner qualities instead. As the inner qualities improve, our bodies are purified and the energy flow increases. When we have reached a certain quality in our bodies the faculties and abilities come along naturally. But if we chase these abilities before we are ready for them, this can at best be a misguided and ignorant pursuit of that, which we are not ready for. We ought to allow nature to build these functions within us, when we have acquired the right to them.

Therefore, you are encouraged to gather experience and be helpful, but in a wise way. Try to do good and think good. By that alone, we have made our contribution to changing our world into a better place.

Edited by Peter Astarci

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