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The dark lodge

There is a collective of people here on Earth that we call the dark lodge. It contains individuals who have refused to abandon their egoism, their selfish power and always wanted to live at the cost of others.

The dark lodge was created at the time of Atlantis. At that time there were incarnated members from the Planetary Hierarchy present in the physical, constituting the so called higher priesthood. These members of the Hierarchy also worked as teachers in knowledge of life among the people. Especially the elite at that time was taught. This elite was called the lower priesthood and had a reasonably large esoteric knowledge. This knowledge included the knowledge of the different worlds, energies in these worlds and the management of these energies. They had learned to affect physical matter with mental energies, even called magic. In their belief of superiority they defied their teachers and drove them away from the physical world. They were called the black priesthood and achieved a seeming power over the people.

To maintain the power as long as possible, they decided to obstruct mans development in every way. This in order to stop the rest of mankind to reach the same level as the dark ones, taking advantage to use others, ignorant people to their own benefit. Knowledge of magic was taught in the schools of the dark and this knowledge is known as black magic.

Since the laws of life declare that if you misuse the power of knowledge, it leads to the loss of this knowledge, there was only one thing for the Planetary Hierarchy to do. Everybody who had no right to this knowledge was drowned. This was done several times, of which the last part of Atlantis, the island Poseidonis, sank in 9564 bc.

Since then mankind have been left on their own to develop, with no direct help from the Planetary Hierarchy. The members of the Hierarchy left this world as well as the emotional, also quickly overtaken by the dark ones. For those who had not participated in the riot of the dark ones and had the right to the knowledge, secret knowledge orders were created. This was made to prevent the knowledge from totally disappearing. 

The members of the dark lodge are far ahead of the rest of mankind in the ethereal and emotional worlds and have full objective consciousness here. But in the mental world the dark ones have no power, here the Hierarchy rules. The emotional world is the world of the dark ones. Here they have their seat, from where they try to control and prevent mans development. They do it with all means. Because when the evolution reaches the point where the main part of humankind achieves full consciousness in the mental world, the power of the dark lodge is over.

The entrance of the dark lodge is called the dionysos initiation. That means the connection between the first and second triad and by that also the connection between the triad envelope and the causal envelope is consciously cut off. After this the individual can no longer incarnate, but is directed to the emotional world. Here he is promised total power, and voluntarily gives up his development to higher worlds, to obtain this power.

However, the power is limited to the ethereal and emotional worlds and stops as soon as humankind reaches the level when the emotional world has lost its significance. All that then remains for the dark ones is to try finding a new first triad, something that is not offered in this solar system. The dark ones have to start all over again with a new first triad in another solar system. That means a huge detour together with the collection of terribly bad reaping.

The dark lodge tries to control mankind with all means, by misleading, terrorizing, and use their power whenever they can. Everything to stay in power and prevent development. Examples of influence can be seen by affecting media, in economy, by sabotage for the leaders of the world, by the drug trade and negative influence on the educational system. This creates hate in various forms leading to war, chaos, anarchy and tyranny. They also work especially to secure the dogmatism, to create division, confusion and disorientation.

The dark ones also have started an institution, similar to the Hierarchy, to affect mankind effectively. Various masters are appointed with initiated, adepts and disciples, all with a dark purpose.

Especially those with esoteric knowledge and alignment and who teaches development are mapped by the dark lodge.

One asks why not the Hierarchy simply moves the dark ones to another sphere or terminates them. But as the Hierarchy follows the law they are not allowed to do that without consent from the cosmic reaping systems. Nor is it by the law allowed to destroy the envelopes of an individual, even if he works for the dark side.

Not until mankind reaches the cultural stage and achieves attracting qualities is it possible to move the dark lodge to another system. Until then, they have a role to play among humans, as the agents of bad reaping.


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