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The Planetary Hierarchy


The following descriptions about the Planetary Hierarchy on Earth is a short summary on how it is described in the esoteric literature.

What is the Planetary Hierarchy

The Planetary Hierarchy withholds highly developed beings that, here on Earth, are situated in the fifth and sixth natural kingdoms. The members are divided into essential selves (46), superessential selves (45), submanifestal selves (44) and manifestal selves (43). Furthermore they are collective beings with common consciousness, corresponding to the four worlds.

The present Hierarchy was formed about 18 million years ago during the lemurian period. It then exclusively consisted of individuals who had developed outside of our mankind, in other systems. Today the Hierarchy only consists of beings developed within our mankind, on our planet or precursors to it.

The original members have consequently continued developing, leaving our planet, and their seats have been replaced by humans who have moved on to the fifth natural kingdom. These people obviously have developed faster than “normal” pace within mankind. The head of the Planetary Hierarchy is Christos-Maitreya, whose effort some 2000 years ago is well known by all Christians.

How is the Planetary Hierarchy organized

The Planetary Hierarchy is divided into seven so called departments. These can be seen as representatives of the so called rays or aspects of the manifestation. The three first are main rays and the four others are subordinate rays.

The departments are divided into three main departments where the four subordinate departments are parts of the second and third department. The three main departments represent the three aspects, so that the first department represents the will aspect, the second department the consciousness aspect and the third department the matter aspect.

The three main departments each have one supreme chief. These chiefs are in the position of a so called office. For the first department the Manu, for the second department the Bodhisattva and for the third department the Mahachohan. These chiefs are so called adepts or masters and all are manifestal selves (43-selves).

Furthermore, under these chiefs there are a number of adepts or masters organized on various levels. At the lowest parts there are four grades of initiates, different grades of disciples and last, humans on the probational path. No one from the so called normal mankind is today a part of the Planetary Hierarchy. (see pic.) 

As supervisor of the Planetary Hierarchy stands today, among others, the being that embodies the Earth, the planetary ruler or Sanat Kumara. Together with his collaborators, the three kumaras, and a number of high cosmic beings (22-36-self) they form the so called Planetary Government.

Responsibilities of the Planetary Hierarchy

Since the different energies are divided into the different departments, the responsibilities are divided accordingly. The following approximate structure may give a view.
• The first department is responsible for leadership, politics, races etc.
• The second department is responsible for religions, convictions and beliefs etc.
• The third department is responsible for natural forces, science, devas etc.
The structure should not be taken too seriously since we only received some indications about the division of responsibilities so far.

The work of the Planetary Hierarchy

The main task for the Planetary Hierarchy is to lead and supervise the human development of consciousness. This difficult work is mainly conducted by sending a continuous stream of formed energies. The energies are meant to affect matter in humans develops, to increase consciousness in them. This process also increases the speed of development, who would otherwise need considerably longer time. The people who use these energies wisely can reasonably fast reach higher levels.


The esoteric literature, "knowledge of reality”, is also provided to those mature enough to use it properly. But as it is impossible to force this knowledge on man, according to the laws of life, still much work remains to be done here.

There is also work being done improving human organism, making it more resistant to diseases. This also consists in influencing nutritional physiology, adapting to more suitable food for the physical body.

Further on, there are attempts to influence and develop the possibility for man to reach continuous consciousness, so the individual, already in younger age, can receive mental and causal molecules in the brain and accordingly awake the latent knowledge early in life. 

Another work is continuously accepting and educating suitable humans as disciples. The Hierarchy seeks suitable collaborators, willing to use their lives serving mankind. By this, the work among humans is made easier at the same time as the disciples develops fast by this helping work.

The Hierarchy also works purposeful to more openly act directly among humans, as accepted leaders and guides. This was the case during earlier epochs, for example in the Atlantiean age where members of the Hierarchy directly led humankind, giving faster result. Many are those who patiently awaits the return of the Hierarchy to bring order in the chaos.

The members of the Planetary Hierarchy also focus on their own development, why only about one third of their time can be spent on leading humankind.

Historical members of the Planetary Hierarchy

Since mental thoughts of the members of the Hierarchy forms disturbing elementals, among others in the mental world, they wish not using their names but instead their initials. Another way to prevent disturbance for these members is using their known historical incarnations to describe them.

The world teacher

The supreme chief of the planetary hierarchy, also the chief of the second department is the 43-self Christos-Maitreya, maybe the best known member of the Hierarchy.  This by his efforts during the last incarnation some two thousand years ago. He is the high being the Christians call The Christ, and now awaits once more.

Christos who is representative of the love-wisdom-aspect is also called the world teacher. The energy of the second aspect flows through him. Mans spiritual development is entrusted him.


The 44-self K.H, who’s most known incarnation is that of Pythagoras, is the member in turn for the office as world teacher, which is going to take place when Christos-Maitreya leaves the Earth to continue his cosmic career. This is expected to occur at the end of the age of Aquarius, in the year 4450. It is fair to say, that during the incarnation as Pythagoras, western science got their basic concepts via hylozoics.


The secretary of the Planetary Hierarchy, the 45-self D.K. is the member who has brought most esoteric facts to mankind of all members. He has, among other things, via his disciples Alice A Bailey and H.P. Blavatsky, dictated a large number of esoteric books.

D.K. is the last of the adepts who took the fifth initiation and is called the messenger of the masters. He is also the only one in the Hierarchy who accepts disciples from all seven departments. D.K. is the one with the task to find aspirants, who have the possibility to be disciples within the next incarnation. He also works to a large extent with some of the ethereal healing devas to heal physical diseases by mankind.


The master Jesus is known to be the one letting his body be used by the Christ some 2000 years ago. Among other things he works with the Christian church and is often Christos middleman.

The Mahachohan

The highest chief of the third department, the master Rakoczi, is mostly known for incarnations as Saint Germain and Francis Bacon.

Disciples to the Planetary Hierarchy

The only way to the fifth natural kingdom today goes via the Hierarchy and discipleship. This is if you want to speed up your development towards the normal development pace. But it isn’t just to apply. The demands are very high. To be of interest the aspirant must be at least a mental self and basically finished with his human development in the fourth natural kingdom. 

Discipleship means that you, within an esoteric group, are accepted to a teacher in the Planetary Hierarchy, normally a 45-self. The work of the disciple contains participation of leading mans development of consciousness. This means that the disciple dedicates his life to serve mankind and in so developing himself.  

The disciples are divided into different grades depending on development level. Some known personalities being disciples can be mentioned: Plato, Dag Hammarsköld, Winston Churchill, Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey just to mention a few.

Other hierarchies

Parallel to the human Hierarchy there is today six other development paths for the monads within the planet. The only one we know anything about is the so called deva evolution which represents the aspect of matter. The devaevolution is considerably larger than humankind and contains some 600 million individuals. They are specialists on handling all kinds of matter and mainly ahead of us in their development. Leading devas within the devaevolution are often called archangels.

The work of the devas contains, among other things, to build and brake down all forms of matter, as human develops, matter of the minerals, develops of plants and animals and so on. As examples of deva groups can be mentioned: Augoeides, Agnichaitans, Agnisuryans, Solar pitris and Lunar pitris.

A closer, open collaboration with the devas can be expected in the future when humankind has developed and the Planetary Hierarchy can lead man in a natural way.

The Planetary Government

The Planetary Government mostly contains individuals who really have finished their career within the solar system. These are at least 42-selves or higher. As chairman acts the planetary ruler or Sanat Kumara and as collaborators the three kumaras. Other members are three groups up till 22-selves. All 43-selves connected to the planet act as co-opted members. The total number of members in the Planetary Government is unknown. The Planetary Government contains members representing all seven development paths within the planet.
The Planetary Government leads and supervises all the planetary processes of manifestation. The work of leading the different hierarchies consists, among other things, to connect or stop cosmic energies to reach the planet.

As supervisor of the Planetary Government there is also a Solar Systemic Government, supervising development on all planets within the solar system. Above this there is a Seven-System Government, and so on.


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