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The deva hierarchy

Within the Earthly planetary system there are today, besides from the human development path, another six parallel development paths. As the human path they also lead to higher levels within the cosmos. Except the human, it’s only the deva evolution we received some information, and know anything about. About the others, all we know is that they exist and a closer contact with these beings wouldn’t benefit our evolution. Furthermore we wouldn’t understand them, even if we were able to make contact.

The other parallel hierarchies are considerably larger than the human. The deva hierarchy is ten times larger than the human and contains about 600 billion individuals. The other hierarchies are most likely even larger.

The devas are, as we humans, evolutionary beings and have at the lowest a consciousness equivalent to humans and at the highest 43-consciousness. The devas are also called angels. Most devas haven’t been and will not be humans. Consequently they lack organisms but still develop into higher beings, and the devas are mainly ahead of humans in their development.

There are also deva monads on lower planes and they are called nature spirits. Examples of these are gnomes, undines, sylphs and salamanders. They contribute to evolution by, among other things, building humans organisms.

The higher devas lack chain of triads and have at the lowest an ethereal develop. They form two large collective beings: those working with matter, building all forms in nature, and those working with movement and are agents of the laws of life.

The highest devas in each world within the solar system 43-49 are called devarajas or archangels. Each one is supreme chief of their department within the deva hierarchy, similar to the human hierarchy. The seven chiefs of department have been named: Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Indra, Varuna and Kshiti. No humans have great hope to get in contact with them.

Devas aren’t developed as humans through consciousness, but through matter, and consequently have a superior knowledge within this area. Their development consists to some degree to aid the other development paths, as the human, by building up and breaking down the different forms of matter to human monads. Above all, devas are experts in handling the different forms of cosmic fires as electrical fire, solar fire and frictional fire. This work contains building up and breaking down all physical, ethereal, emotional, mental and causal forms of matter in the solar system. These forms are in their turn built by other deva substance or essence corresponding to the world being built. This matter can also be called elemental substance and is available in large amounts as involution matter.


Since all matter in the solar system follows cycles, all according to the law, there are also devas who are specialists in braking down the material forms. These braking down devas follow strictly made plans, in their turn made up by other deva groups, all according to the law.

The human organism, for example, is built by a certain group of devas. Another one is responsible for the ethereal develop. Yet another builds the emotional develop and so on.

Accordingly other groups of devas brake down these develops, all in a certain order by the law. Consequently all matter in the human world is a work by different groups of devas. Even mans different types of consciousness seem to be a work by devas. Mans thoughts and emotions consists of formed deva substance.

Thus, the devas play a crucial role in mans development. Hereby they always follow the law which is lucky for man. Mans objective in the consciousness development is, step by step, to make himself independent of these, finally getting free from the three worlds.

As a tool in the building and breaking down, the devas mainly use different forms of light and sound. Almost any form can be built or broken down by this. For example, all kinds of fire can be affected and totally eliminated by using the right sound. Another example is magic, building or breaking down physical objects solely by the right sound and light. However, this means great danger if the builder isn’t aware of the proper method and has really good intentions. That is the reason so utmost few people get the confidence to contact certain deva groups. But when humankind developed so far it can contact devas, natural science in all areas will make huge progress. Especially medicine will develop significantly. The fact that some scientists of today are affected by devas, they seem totally unaware of.

Within the fifth natural kingdom and higher, the cooperation with devas is already very close. For example the devas are totally responsible working with involution and hereby belonging elementals. 

Examples of deva groups

Agni: Devaraja for world 47, the causal-mental. Chief of a large group of devas working with building and breaking down forms with, among other things, cosmic fires.

Agnishaitans: Builders of the physical-ethereal world. Builders of humans develops. Builders of minerals. Builders of permanent atoms.

Agnisuryans: Builders of the emotional world. Builders of the nervous system and ”water”.

Agnishvattas: Builders of the causal-mental world. Builders of thought forms and human consciousness.

Augoeides: A collective being, who are 46- and 45-selves. They aid humans in their development of consciousness by acting as substitute second self, and can also be regarded as mans guide regarding consciousness development. They also execute the law of reaping for mankind.

The Augoeides also gives his causal develop to man for storing the triad. He helps man from causalization until man leaves the human kingdom.

Protogonos: A collective being with 44- and 43-awareness. Their objective is to aid humans in their consciousness development after they have become second selves. Protogonos manages the third triad until the second self can take it over.


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