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The Twelve Essential Qualities

The twelve essential qualities means the necessary qualities man must obtain to be able to evolve into higher worlds.

These qualities have their equivalent in the so called zodiac constellations, who provide us with 12 different cosmic energies. Furthermore the heart chakra has 12 spokes in its wheel, which also correspond to these different cosmic energies. The energies, in it's turn, make it possible to obtain the different qualities.

Not until being an aspirant to discipleship, man seriously gets interested in these qualities and their refinement. To be accepted as a disciple the aspirant must have achieved the qualities to more than 50 percent. It's not enough with 50 percent in average, but every quality must be over the limit.

Those who unconsciously have achieved these qualities before discipleship have an advantage and can develop faster than others. 

  1. Trust in life: Security, safety, confidence, carefree. Faith, hope, trust, the realization that there is no failure: that everything is foreseen to the best. Trust in the strong forces of life within. I don't have to understand or know everything to walk the path of life. Freedom of fear, anxiety, envy and misstrust.
  2. Trust in self: confidence, self-criticism, outspoken, self-control, balance. To be able to decide what's good and right. To have the courage to be oneself. To own confidence is to be free from complex as sin, guilt, shame, inferiority, misstrust, shyness, slavery to authority, guilty conscience.
  3. Conformity to law: Sence of duty, moderation, golden mean, honesty, indurance. To think right before. To own conformity to law is to be free from stubbornness, will of own, fanaticism.
  4. Rightfulness: truthfulness, justice, sincerity, honesty, reliability, objectiveness.
  5. Impersonality: Indifference, inaccessibility, invulnerability, simplicity, self forgetfulness, not demanding respect, direct, spontanity, indifferent of others jugdement, harmlessness, inoffensiveness, not being the center of ones circle. To have impersonality is not to act as if one were important, self centered, concieted, self fraudulent, bragging, vain, asking for acknowlegdement, self rightfulness.
  6. Will to sacrifice: Altruism, unselfishness, resignation of power, glory, wealth and gluttony. Generous, serving, courageous, diligent, competent, proper. Liberation of the lower with joy. To have willl to sacrifice is to be free from pride, greed, ambition, self-interest, egoism, desire, demands, inner and outer prohibitions.
  7. Fidelity: Loyalty,reliability, steadfastness, immutability, gratefulness, devotion, sense of responsibility, devotion to duty, honesty. To have fidelity is to be free from betrayal and will of self.
  8. Reticence: thought control, attention, vigilance, calmness, "let your war song be silent", collection, non resistance, accept life as it is. To have reticence is to be free from negativity, criticism, gossip, opposition, wrath, discontempt, expression of negative emotions.
  9. Joy of live: Delight, happiness, devoutness, "outlet", emancipation, unreserved devotion to life, optimism. To have joy of life is to be free from bitterness, sorrow, suffering, depressing complex, inhibitions, joy-ruining moralism and idealism, discontempt, self torment.
  10. Purposefullness: Will, energy, power, force, efficiency, positiveness, firmness, immovability, will of life, self realization. I can, I dare, I will, courage, endurance. To have purposefullness is to be free from wandering about, tactlessness, self absorbation, division, ambivalence, doubts.
  11. Wisdom: knowledge, insight, understanding, common sense, good judgement, art of living, humility. To have wisdom is to be free from domatism, moralism, pride, mechanistic behaviour.
  12. Unity: Attraction, love, goodness, admiration, devotion, sympathy, kindness, reverence, worship, tactfulness, discession, consideration, serving, patience, tolerance, identification. To have unity is to be free from hate, revenge, malice, moralism, tactlessness, contempt, jealousy, negative thoughts of others.
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