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To walk the ”path”

Consciousness development, seen from a general perspective.

This article is an attempt to, with my present knowledge; give my view on how we should relate to our own development. It’s addressed from a general perspective without looking on a detailed level.

You could simply say, all that benefits our and others development is good, and what prevents it is bad. However this is not necessarily what we think is amusing, simple or comfortable.

The ultimate purpose with our lives is to develop our consciousness. This work is done all the time, weather we know it or not, weather we want it or not. The so called unconscious development moves along in its own pace. In time we obtain ever better matter in our bodies (physical-ethereal, emotional (astral), mental-causal) and get access to ever higher consciousness. Even if the development seems infinitely slow we still bring new experiences after every life (even bad experiences are experiences…)

Sooner or later we reach the stage when we fully realize that life actually is about development, and from that time we will work more actively, more conscious towards it. From that time the pace will increase dramatically. A conscious development is considerably faster than an unconscious.

As we develop different forms of so called psychic gifts, mediumship, healing abilities and so on there is always a risk of getting so fascinated by them, that we believe this is the purpose of it all. Here is the risk of getting caught in the ”astral labyrinth”. It’s here the esotericism is so important to clarify and give structure. Those who have taken part of this system (hopefully) realize that the different psychic gifts may come as a bieffect of development, but are not development or even the purpose with it.

Besides that, the ”dark ones” may come forward and praise, flatter and deceive. There are many of those on the emotional planes. If you get messages telling you how good and highly developed you are, you should step back. The real guides seldom praise you.

Many people can develop different abilities, for example mediumship, long before they are ready for it. That means a long period of restoring the energy system, often for several coming incarnations, before the balance is restored and we can continue our development. It can also be the other way around; we get no psychic abilities at all until we have learned to understand a little bit better. This must be considered as good karma.

It’s when we have left all this behind that we can start walking ”the path”. What is this ”path”? Well, it’s a clearly defined path we all will walk, sooner or later, leading to a clearly defined goal. Furthermore it seems as everybody finds it more or less in the same way. The path begins as we definitely realized the illusiveness of the emotional, and can be said to end as we reach causal consciousness, also leaving the mental models behind as they are no longer needed.

We can also say that the path is our road through the higher mental stages towards the goal discipleship and finally initiations, to end our cycle here on Earth. This road is of course something that needs many incarnations to complete, so in every new incarnation we must, once again, free ourselves from the emotional illusions to be able to continue. Hopefully this becomes easier for every new time, as we then have the old knowledge latent and intuitively continues searching until a decent esoteric system is found or simply by intuition lives wisely and law bound.

What’s especially important, as I see it, must be to find the beginning of this path, and consequently find the way out of the astral labyrinth. This is a conclusive step that, once taken, can save many incarnations. To learn the basic laws of life and try living accordingly is of course a suitable first step to take.


The development takes place inside our bodies, carefully supervised by our Augoeides. Anyone who voluntarily accepts development, and to Augoeides disposition, can count on that he will meet in the way he can. (The fact that I write he has no meaning, gender is probably of no importance for our Augoeides.)

The time we get too fascinated by our chakras with their energies, or by various abilities that might appear we need to take care. These are bieffects of development. The fact that there are people who have a life task, giving for example healing, is another matter. They are then clearly directed to this task and know this is what they should do. Otherwise we should just let our abilities alone, but use them wisely when we see fit. The important thing is to let the abilities come naturally, not try to influence the process with different practices. That’s when it goes totally wrong.

Instead we should listen inside. Those who seek development will get signals and guidance by their Augoeides, in the way he can give it. If we have no ability of higher consciousness the guidance will come by various happenings in life, but most often it’s likely to come in dreams.

These dreams always have a special character. We can separate them from other dreams. But we should also be aware of that ”educational” dreams may come from other sources than from our Augoeides. Various emotional entities can use the opportunity and induce different ”messages”, of a better or worse quality. In my own case it took a number of years until I got the following message (in a dream); you must learn to separate the truth from the lie”. 

Eventually you get better and better in doing that. The symbols and messages from Augoeides are harsh, always without flatter, and requests improvement. Everything is targeted towards the energy system in the bodies and their development. If we try to learn our symbols and follow the pointers being given, it runs most smoothly and fastest. The difficulty is to keep to this, and otherwise just relax, doing no stupidities by our fascination of all phenomenon and abilities.

My experience is that the first contacts from Augoeides come in dreams, but we have to be able to reach the higher emotional levels to get this contact. Eventually other ways will occur, as emotional clairvoyance or mental intuition. We must remember that emotional clairvoyance comes on lower emotional levels far before we can reach the higher, and with that our Augoeides. We musn’t believe that all inner visions comes from Augoeides, we have to pass several incarnations with emotional clairvoyance before we can even think of reaching our Augoeides that way. This is the reason dreams are so effective, they are obtainable much earlier.

Even if the ”path” can be clearly defined, the method is highly individual. We have different sets of energy, depending on our ray constitution, experiences from earlier lives as well as this and so on. The actual opening process can, because of this, be quite different from one person to another. For this reason we should always be careful drawing too safe conclusions by experiences of one person. An energy channel can get opened up a little, after that come symbols showing the result and how to behave. So, as everything gets in balance another is opened up, with new orders to relate to. The process continues like this, for year after year.

It’s important to stay neutral to everything that’s going on, to take the role of an ”outside observer”. This is especially important at the time when it’s difficult. To be depressed when it’s not going our way doesn’t help at all, instead we then attract a lot of heavy emotional energy that stops the whole process. I can promise this advice isn’t easy to follow, I have certainly not managed to do it all the time myself, but it’s important. To have trust and an untroubled mind even at the hardest moment is a true art. 

How do we know that we are on the ”path”? Well, the day we can feel different beams more or less painful drilling through chakra points in our body, how different dream symbols and or inner visions succeed each other, that we slowly learn to understand, and in pace with this notice how the energy flows change and develop, then we know. Furthermore, the day we really set foot on the path we can trust the pace is increased considerably. To walk the path simply means that, with constant conscious guidance given from Augoeides, open up and develop energy channels and bodies towards an ever higher consciousness, at an ever higher pace.

However this is not easy. We have to go within, into the darkest places of the soul, meet and fight every weakness. We can't be smug and say "I'm a kind and good person as I am". It's not enough. Every unbalance, every tendency of disturbance in our personality, every dark side we may not want to see must be confronted. We are forced to see ourselves without any prestige and with a true desire to clean out anything that disturbs the energy flow. He who is not ready for this doesn't need to bother.

The ones on the path are all, without exceptions, scarred warriors who have fought many hard battles within, with their lower selves. But they are also winners, with a will far beyond normal. Those on the path do not look back, do not boast with what they have achieved but look forward, with respect over what remains to be done.


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